Monday 13 May 2013

What is the word Fundus I keep hearing during an Eye Exam?

What is the word Fundus I keep hearing during an Eye Exam?

Whenever a Diabetic comes for an Eye Exam, the things that are invariably checked are:

His vision with and without glasses.

Eye Anteriior Segment Exam.

Eye Pressures.

Macula Check.

Fundus exam.

Now imagine the Eye as a ball. The inner layer of the ball is called the Retina. This is the most essential layer for Vision. The central part of Retina, most important for vision, is known as Macula.

A view of the inside of the EyeBall is known as the Fundus. It is examined to see the health and viability of the Retina. The Fundus is thoroughly examined to see the changes of Diabetes on the Retina.

Do all Diabetics have an Eye Problem?

Do all Diabetics have an Eye Problem?

The only and simple answer is YES.

The affectation is known as Diabetic Retinopathy.

But to revise the answer: It depends on....

  1. The number of years one is a Diabetic.
  2. Whether Insulin dependent or not.
  3. Overall blood sugar control, indicated by Glycosylated Hb.
  4. Variation in sugar levels.
  5. Existence of any other sytemic complications.

So a yearly Eye Exam for all Diabetics by a Retina Specialist is very necessary.

What is Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.?

What is Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.?

Diabetes is mainly a disease due to interplay of hormones Insulin and Glucagon. Insulin transfers sugars from blood into various organs for their instant use as energy source. And Glucagon kicks in when sugar is depleted, or body organs are not getting sugar, and releases sugar from stores like liver, muscles, etc.

Usually Diabetes is a lack or absence of Insulin. This causes increased sugars to remain in blood and not be utilized by the body.

Type 1 Diabetics have No Insulin being produced by the Pancreas and so need Insulin Injections.

Type 2 Diabetics is where the Pancreas is still partially functioning and can produce Insulin. Here oral medicines are given to encourage the patients pancreas to produce Insulin.